Wednesday, November 13, 2019

World Kindness Day

November 13 is the World Kindness Day. Do you think our world is getting kinder or more aggressive? Why? How do you feel when someone is unkind to you? What should we do to make the world kinder?  


  1. I can't tell if our world getting kinder. I have no idea. Some people are kind but not everybody. A lot of people are trying to help our world become kinder right now but it's not easy. In our world a lot of liers, killers, thiefs, terrorists and vandals. A lot of people means a lot of opinions. Everyone respects his own opinion but not everyone respects someone else's. It can be the reason of many wars and terrorists attacks. If we listened and respected other people we would be kinder.
    When someone is unkind to me I can ignore him. Sometimes it's hard but I tried not to insult person. Also there's a good way to count to ten. It's really works. And of course you can smile. When you're smiling you feel yourself better and you can make the world kinder.
    That's all. I want to wish you good mood and good luck.

  2. In my opinion now our world getting kinder. Also I agree with Ksusha people are kind but not everyone. Some people trying to be kinder to other race and religion. On the other hand sometimes we can meet some people who think that people from other countries are bad and country where this people live worth than their country. And that’s because they have never been in this countries. It feels so weird when u realized that people can hurt each other because of who they love or of their skin color or of the way they look at our world.
    To make our world kinder we need to respect each other and be polite to everyone even if this person hurt u. U should talk with them and deal your problem.

  3. As for me, kindness today is an abstract concept in the world dominated by pragmatism, greed and cruelty. Now is the era of developed capitalism and everyone wants to earn as much money as possible. Other moral values depreciates, ideincluding kindness. Moreover, we are predators by nature. And humanity and kindness are not originally inherent to us. They are brought up in us by society. Today, the concept of what is good and what is bad is increasingly being mixed up.
    Yes, we meet lots of kind people, but we meet more indifferent and soulless people. As I think, today it is everyone’s choice: to be compassionate and outgoing or wicked and cruel.
    That's why, I believe that this problem really needs to be attracted attention of society.

  4. the world is becoming aggressive. there are people who are always positive, who are satisfied with everything in their life. they smile, give good to other people, raise someone’s mood. there are people who are evil, this is normal for our world. they are sad, they show aggression on other people to the fact that they have some kind of problems. but on the other hand, everyone has problems, but not everyone puts them on display. there is the problem of racism. I will give an example on football. there are a lot of "say no to racism" advertisements on TV with football players. at football matches, there are fans who boo (they don’t respect them) football players for being black. and it makes me sad.

  5. To be kind is not so difficult. You just only should be patient and friendly.
    If I have a problem, I always try to discuss it, instead of making a conflict. And if we can’t achieve an agreement I tell my opponent: “Now we have different views, let’s stop spending our time on arguing and think about it ourselves, maybe let’s discuss it later.”
    Small conflicts can cause global problems. Political and economical disagreements between countries can lead to revolutions and wars. During the war forget of kindness and they are keen on and crazy about their victory. People cruelly kill each other. Murders, terrorist attacks, hostage-taking and blowing up bombs become usual things.
    Fortunately our government prevents such problems and our country isn’t a participant international conflicts. We are lucky to live in peaceful country.
    A kindness day is a great holiday, it should be celebrated worldwide. This day reminds people of being kind, polite, friendly and positive.

  6. I think that in our world there is both good and evil. Since childhood, in most cases, our parents have taught us to do only good, showing examples of actions that embody only good. However, there are times when anger overwhelms us and in gusts of emotions we can do a bad deed that can characterize us as bad. It’s good that most people in the world are very kind. Yes, many of us do bad things, make mistakes, don’t always behave correctly, but we do good deeds with the greatest pleasure. Therefore, good always conquers evil in the world.But when you are going to make someone a vile thing, you should always remember the worldwide “boomerang law”. You need to start with yourself, be kinder to each other, and maybe then in our modern world there will be a little more good than evil.

    1. A nice comment, Nastya! Everyone makes mistakes. The problem is that not everyone is ready to admit it and say sorry. That would solve many problems, I think.

  7. I see, guys, you are in two minds about this issue. Then I'll ask you another question. Don't you think that we should blame technologies such as the Internet and computer games for making people more agressive and intolerant? Mass media often give fake facts that put one group of people against another. Violent computer games affect children's emotional and pshycological health. They learn to kill there not to create. What is your opinion?

    1. Nowadays almost everyone has social networks, for example Instagram, Twitter or Vk. And it is comfortable to communicate with your friends, but every day people spend a lot of time online and cannot keep their hands off computer or telephone, instead of doing something useful, like reading books or spending time with their friends.
      Even children from the age of 5-7 begin to play computer games. They are keen on computer. They always think about computer, so they are inattentive and usually they get bad marks at school. Their parents forbid their children to play computer. From this children become angry, impolite, aggressive and they even can hurt others.
      So, I can say, that we can blame technologies such a computer games and Internet for making people more aggressive.

  8. I completely agree with Masha. I can also add that teenagers are very dependent on social networks and spread their whole lives there. But the Internet is full of evil and unfriendly people. Also in social networks over teenagers it is very easy to scoff and bully. All this greatly affects the psychological and emotional health of teenagers.

  9. Also due to the fact that teenagers spend all their time on computer games and phones, they forget how to properly communicate live with a person.


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