Saturday, November 23, 2019

No smoking

No doubt smoking is an evil. What should be done to prevent teens from smoking? How can we help someone to give up this dangerous habit? What do you think about vaping? Is it as harmful as smoking?  


  1. I have a negative attitude towards cigarettes. teens start smoking because they think smoking is cool. or they see that their friends smoke and also start to smoke. if your friend or girlfriend smokes then you must explain that this is bad. that many people around the world die because of cigarettes. that because of cigarettes you can get sick like cancer or bronchitis. so that teens can stop smoking, you can introduce a law. that any police officer at the sight of a teenager who smokes can write a fine. I am neutral to electronic cigarettes. I think they are less harmful than regular cigarettes.

  2. In my opinion the smoke problem is just because teens are teens, they think that if you smoke you are such cool and all teens just to want to try everything, it goes with age more often, also
    nicotine makes you relaxed and you get high. Also it's a problem of the state, because natural orange juice costs more than cigarettes or alcohol.
    Government should raise cigarette prices, but it's impossible, because cigarette companies go broke.

    we don’t have to explain or somehow help smokers because we don’t have the right to get into their personal lives and tell them what to do, this is their choice, but we can just explain to them how cigarettes affect health.
    I think vaping is much better than smoking, because when you vape, the pitch into your lungs tar doesn't come.

  3. 23.10 was a day against Smoking, not all people understand that Smoking is one of the most terrible addictions. But you need to understand that not only adults smoke but also teenagers. Who do not know about all the dangers of ciaret. Smoking is an addiction that is very difficult to get rid of. You need to understand that you will never know the exact taste of a cigarette, if you do not list everything, it is poison. Every 10 seconds on the planet dies one person who smokes, if you look at the statistics, almost 30 percent of Belarusians smoke. But you need to know that there are passive smokers, these are people who are surrounded by a smoker. And the main thing is of course the consequence and the smallest is a change in the color of the teeth, and the worst is cancer.how many years do you think Smoking takes? You may think that 3 4 years, but there is no 10-15 years his life can be losing. And I'm sure no one would give their lives for such a bad habit .everyone should understand that Smoking is a slow suicide. But 2019 is a VAPE nation and many people think that the electronic cigarette is much better than the usual, but this is not quite true, even in a more "safe" life is not as good as it is said. And in the end I want to say that I do not smoke and I do not advise you

  4. Some expressions like "Smoking harms to any part of your body, personality and character and causes lots of ilnesses", "Vaping is as harmful as smoking, you have to give up smoking immediately" or "We have to expain others that smoking is bad" are too common and they don't help at all.
    Firstly, the main reason to start smoking is that is forbidden for teenagers. That is distinctive feature of teenagers they try to break rules, to go against the System. Secondly, adults mostly start smoking becauce of lots of stress and pressure. Thirdly, some people start smoking due to the fact that they are given an example by their parents. Smoking was, Smoking is, smoking will be. We can only decease quantity of smokers.
    But if you look at the root, you will see that the main culprit is the government. Because the government controls the purchase and sale of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs(in hospitals). But it doesn't decrease sailings of them because they will not give up the huge profits that sigarets bring.


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